Wake Up Maine
Last Updated: Thursday September 22, 2022

As we face the worst drug crisis in our nation’s history, understanding the dangers of opioids and talking to your loved ones about prescription drug misuse is more important than ever. DEA launched 360 in Portland, ME. This program is designed to help communities across the nation deal with opioid and prescription drug misuse. Check out the press release to learn more.
Top News: Fentanyl Pills: Recent Seizure in Maine Highlights Risk to Public Health
Watch this PSA to learn more about substance misuse in Maine.
Latest News
Fentanyl Pills: Recent Seizure in Maine Highlights Risk to Public Health
In February 2022, law enforcement authorities in Cumberland County,
Maine seized methamphetamine as well as green and purple-colored pills that were shaped as candy or vitamin-like alien heads and hand grenades. Field testing revealed that the pills contained fentanyl. Read more.

The Problem
Unfortunately, prescription drug abuse can often lead to illegal drug use.
Nationwide, among new heroin users, 75 percent report having abused prescription opioids before using heroin.1
In Maine, opioid addiction is driving the state's overdose deaths.
Here are more quick facts:
- In 2019, there were 380 drug overdose deaths in the state last year; 84% were due to opioids, at least in part.2
- Cumberland County alone accounted for 25% opioid related deaths in the state.3
- In 2019, almost 50% of primary treatment admissions types in Cumberland County were related to opiates/opioids.4
- Treatment admissions among pregnant women in Many for heroin/morphine rose between 2014 and 2018.5
- From 2014 to 2018, primary substance use treatment admissions among pregnant women in Maine for heroin/morphine steadily rose, accounting for 47% of primary admissions.5
1Heroin Overdose Data. Center of Disease Control and Prevention. Source: https://www.cdc.gov/drugoverdose/data/heroin.html
2Source: Portland Maine Drug Death Summary
3Maine Drug Death Report For 2019
4WITS: Heroin/Morphine 611; Other Opiates & Synthetics 163; Total 1731
52019 SEOW: Pregnancy & Substance Use in Maine: Web Infrastructure for Treatment Services


DEA 360 Maine in partnership with YouthFull Maine and Coastal Healthy Communities Coalition will be hosting
Special Medication Take Back Day and Free Food Distribution
When: April 20th, 2022
Time: 10:00am-12:00pm
Where: Rotary Park in Biddeford, ME
No questions asked, convenient drive through, COVID-19 safety precautions in place, pick up healthy food, drop off unused medication, used vaping devices and used sharps.
DEA 360 Maine in partnership with Portland Public Health and Maine Medical Center will be holding
National Medication Take Back Day
When: April 30th
Time: 10:00am – 2:00pm
Where: Maine Medical Center, South Lot Parking between Chadwick St & Vaughn St. Portland, ME
No questions asked with convenient drive through or walk-up, COVID-19 safety precautions in place, drop off unused medication, used vaping devices and used sharps. Free Narcan kits and training will be available for those interested. Drug Awareness information and free sharps containers will be available.
Community Partners

Our partners are in your communities implementing strategies and interventions to prevent the use and/or misuse of substances by youth. On this page you will find a listing of our partners organized north to south across Maine.
Access Health is a comprehensive community health coalition, comprised of community partners working to improve health and well-being, as well as prevent chronic disease.
Bangor Public Health, Prevention Program
The Bangor Public Health department was founded in 1954 and since that time has sought to improve the health status of its residents . The work is guided by this vision: all residents deserve to live in thriving communities where every person has a healthy and fulfilling life.
Be The Influence
With Drug Free Community Federal funding, the Be The Influence collaborative has focused its attention towards prevention and education on youth in an effort to ensure healthy adults in our future communities.
CascoBay CAN
Casco Bay CAN is a Coalition of dedicated community members representing all 12 Drug-Free Community sectors: businesses, media, schools, youth-serving organizations, law enforcement, parents, youth, religious and fraternal organizations, civic and volunteer groups, healthcare professionals, state and local government, and other organizations involved in reducing youth substance use.
Coastal Healthy Communities Coalition - Project Alliance (Biddeford)
Coastal Healthy Communities Coalition (CHCC) at the University of New England's College of Osteopathic Medicine is a comprehensive community-based health coalition working to promote physical activity and nutrition, tobacco prevention and cessation, substance abuse prevention and lead poisoning prevention.
Gardiner Area Thrives - Healthy Communities of the Capital Area
Healthy Communities of the Capital Area (HCCA) is a coalition of local people who work to improve the health and quality of life in Kennebec County, Maine. HCCA is a non-profit organization working on local, public health district, and state-level goals to improve public health.
Healthy Acadia - Hancock County
Healthy Acadia is a 501c3 nonprofit organization that works on a broad range of community health initiatives that help Hancock and Washington counties to thrive.
Healthy Androscoggin
Healthy Androscoggin, in partnership with a community-based task force of dedicated local stakeholders, works to implement data-informed, substance misuse prevention efforts in Androscoggin County.
Healthy Lincoln County Substance Use Prevention Coalition
Mission: to strengthen our communities to support drug and alcohol free youth in Lincoln County, Maine. This organization are a local community coalition of partners, parents, youth, and educators. The focus is on preventing and reducing substance use in our youth by promoting health and resilience.
Healthy Sebasticook Valley Coalition
Healthy Sebasticook Valley (HealthySV) is designed to support and promote healthy lifestyles to reduce chronic disease and increase quality of life in the Sebasticook Valley Region, through policy and environmental change.
Mid-Maine Substance Use Prevention Coalition - Waterville
The coalition was created to address health issues based on community input and local, county, and state data.
Partners for Prevention
Westbrook Partners for Prevention is a community coalition whose mission is to prevent youth substance use. Westbrook Partners for Prevention provides adults with information and tools to support young people in making healthy choices, as well as empowering youth to get involved.
River Valley Healthy Communities Coalition
A non-profit organization created by local community members working to make a positive difference in the health and well being of our communities in the River Valley region.
Sanford Strong Coalition
The mission of Coalition is to provide for the exchange of information and the leveraging of resources in an effort to identify community needs and create environmental solutions that reduce youth substance use and abuse and strengthens the health, well-being, and success of Sanford’s children, youth and their families.
Somerset Public Health
Somerset Public Health is a coalition of staff members, community members, organizations, and businesses working together to improve health in Somerset County.
SoPo Unite: All Ages, All In - South Portland
SoPo Unite is part of the federally funded Drug-Free Communities (DFC) Support Program. The Coalition works to create and sustain a safe, just, and healthy community to prevent youth substance use.
Southern Kennebec Substance Use Work Group
HCCA works in the community to create environmental, policy, and systems changes to reduce alcohol and substance misuse in Kennebec and Somerset County.
The Choose To Be Healthy Coalition - York
Choose To Be Healthy is a community health coalition serving southern York County, Maine and based at York Hospital. Coalition members and partners work to create a culture of healthy living by supporting policies and community changes that promote alcohol and drug free living for our youth.
Westbrook Partners in Prevention
Westbrook Partners for Prevention (formerly called Westbrook Communities that Care) provides adults with information and tools to support young people in making healthy choices, and empowers youth to recognize the important role they play in making their community safe and drug-free
Local Resources

Below is a list of Local organizations that provide services to the public regarding addiction, community empowerment, drug education and prevention, drug take back programs, recovery, and overall health and wellness.
211 Maine
211 is a free, statewide confidential information and referral service that connects people of all ages across Maine to local services. 211 Maine is based in Maine and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Specialist are trained and friendly; they know we all need help sometimes.
211 Maine is a collaborative effort of the United Way of Maine, the State of Maine Department of Health and Human Services, and The Opportunity Alliance as the Contact Center Partner. Together, they ensure all Mainers have access to the information they need to stay safe and healthy.
211 Maine can be reached via phone, text, email or by searching 211 Maine online database.
AdCare Educational Institute of Maine, Inc
The mission of AdCare Educational Institute is to advance knowledge, skills, and awareness in the prevention, intervention, treatment, and recovery of substance use disorders, behavioral health, and related public health issues.
Bangor Public Health, Prevention Program
The Bangor Public Health department was founded in 1954 and since that time has sought to improve the health status of its residents . The work is guided by this vision: all residents deserve to live in thriving communities where every person has a healthy and fulfilling life.
Eyes Open Maine
It can happen in Maine. It is happening in Maine. Substance use disorder is affecting our communities, our workplaces, our friends and family. Do what you can to stop it; see something, say something; don’t be quiet. Know that there are resources available – users and for family members. There are things you can do if you’re taking prescription medication and there are actions that prescribers can take. There are places to turn for help.
Eyes open to the crisis, eyes open to the possibilities for changes, eyes open to our collective future.
Maine Association of Recovery Residences
The Maine Association for Recovery Residences (MARR) is a nonprofit organization that manages the ethical and safety standards for recovery residences in the State of Maine. MARR believes all people seeking recovery-based housing should have access to both a safe and accommodating residence where they can live a healthy and rewarding life. The primary mission of MARR is to promote this ethical and sustainable management of high-quality recovery residence throughout the State of Maine.
New England Prevention Technology Transfer Center
The purpose of the Prevention Technology Transfer Center (PTTC) Network is to improve implementation and delivery of effective substance abuse prevention interventions, and provide training and technical assistance services to the substance abuse prevention field.
OPTIONS (Overdose Prevention Through Intensive Outreach Naloxone and Safety)
The Overdose Prevention Through Intensive Outreach Naloxone and Safety (OPTIONS) initiative is a coordinated effort of the Maine Office of Behavioral Health (OBH) and other state agencies to improve the health of Mainers using substances through harm reduction strategies, helping them on the road to recovery, and dramatically reducing the number of fatal and non-fatal drug overdoses.
Portland Public Health, Overdose Prevention Project
In response to a record number of fatal overdose deaths in Portland, Public Health Division began the Overdose Prevention Project in January 2003. The program was designed to approach the issue of accidental overdose from a public health perspective. PPH works with community members impacted by substance use, directly or indirectly, and empower them through harm reduction-focused education and services to make positive changes in their lives. The goal is to provide simple and effective trainings, presentations and material that will help reduce the number of overdose fatalities and other negative consequences associated with substance use.
Portland Public Health, Substance Use Prevention Program
Under the umbrella of Portland Prevention, the Substance Use Prevention Program uses an array of strategies to target populations, ranging from adolescents to adults, with the goal of empowering people to make choices that will ensure healthy and productive lives while providing options that help reduce the harm caused by drug use.
You Are Prevention.
On this page, you will find a listing of our partners organized north to south across Maine. If you have questions about programs and resources available in your area please reach out to your Local Prevention Partner.
Youth Peer Support Statewide Network
The youth peer support statewide network serves youth ages 14-26 who self-identify with history of mental health and/or substance use challenges.
To get involved, email us at YPSSN@mainehealth.org or call us 207-396-7052.
Make a referral at:
Resources for Teens
Boys & Girls Clubs of America (BGCA)
The mission of Boys & Girls Clubs of America is to enable all young people; especially those who need us most, to reach their full potential as productive, caring, responsible citizens.
D.A.R.E.-Drug Abuse Resistance Education
D.A.R.E.’s primary mission is to provide children with the information and skills they need to live drug and violence free lives.
DEA Youth Dance Program
By reaching out to America's schools under the powerful name of DEA and the DEA Educational Foundation, the DEA Youth Dance Program will inspire youth with healthy and drug-free messages, and encourage them to exercise and express themselves artistically.
Students against Destructive Decisions (SADD)
SADD is a peer leadership organization dedicated to preventing destructive decisions, specifically underage drinking, other drug use, impaired and risky driving and teen violence and suicide. It is a peer to peer youth education, prevention and activism organization with thousands of chapters in middle schools, high schools and colleges.
Find Substance Misuse Treatment
Need Someone to Talk to?
National Hotline and Online Chat
The Partnership to End Addiction has trained professionals available via phone and online chat to help parents who think their loved one is struggling with addiction. Learn more.
Help for Veterans
Veterans Affairs offers a number of options for those seeking treatment for substance use problems. These options include therapy, either alone with the therapist or in a group, as well as medications to help veterans reduce their use of alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Learn more.
211 Maine
211 is a free, statewide confidential information and referral service that connects people of all ages across Maine to local services. 211 Maine is based in Maine and available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Specialist are trained and friendly; they know we all need help sometimes.
211 Maine is a collaborative effort of the United Ways of Maine, the State of Maine Department of Health and Human Services, and The Opportunity Alliance as the Contact Center Partner. Together, they ensure all Mainers have access to the information they need to stay safe and healthy.
211 Maine can be reached via phone, text, email or by searching 211 Maine online database.
You can also head over to FindTreatment.gov to search for general drug treatment facilities in your area. On this site, you can find facilities that offer various payment options (including free and no-cost care), youth treatment facilities, special programs for Veterans, plus more.
Otherwise, enter your zipcode in the SAMHSA Behavioral Health Treatment Locator above the footer on this page to find substance abuse treatment facilities in your area.