
Video: 911 Call

Every 20 minutes in the United States someone loses their battle with drug addiction. In this audio, taken from an actual 911 call, a distaught mother found her son passed out after an apparent drug overdose. 

Public Service Announcement: Cell Phone

Teens are more likely to die from an overdose than texting and driving. This PSA highlights the importance of securing your prescription painkillers. Watch.

Public Service Announcement: Safe

This public service announcement highlights the importance of securing your prescription medication to ensure your family stays safe. Watch.

Anti-drug PSA: 'Real Life'

Student Nate Trillo from Midlothian, Texas gives us the straight facts about how drugs can ruin your real life. Watch the video.

Anti-drug PSA: 'The Twins'

Twin brothers, Lucas and Liam, pretty much lived an identical life ... until one them decided to take a pill. Watch what happened.

Connecticut Teens Win 1st Place in Anti-drug PSA Contest

Kyle Citrin, Clay Knibbs, and Carter Soboleski, who attend Daniel Hand High School in Madison, Connecticut, will split a $10,000 scholarship. Watch the video.

Red Ribbon Week Campus Video PSA Contest Winner

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) co-sponsored a Red Ribbon Campus Video PSA Contest for colleges and universities. Watch the winning video.

chasing the dragon

VIDEO: Chasing the Dragon: The Life of an Opiate Addict

You are going to see that once the addiction starts it is often too late. By telling somebody, you could be saving a life.

screen shot of VIDEO: The Promise of Drugs

VIDEO: The Promise of Drugs

When it comes to drugs and drug abuse, there's the promise and there's the reality. If you've ever felt the pressure to use drugs, you've probably heard the promise. Some promises are specific to a drug: \"Meth can help you lose weight\" or \"Steroids will make you a better athlete.\" Other promises are vague: \"Getting high will help you relax.\" Watch this animated video to learn more about the promise and reality of drug use and abuse.


VIDEO: Taking Prescription Drugs to Get High—A Bad Idea

97% of teens don't use prescription drugs to get high. Watch this video to learn why taking prescription drugs to get high can have serious health effects including addiction and overdose.